Write for us

Well.connected Career

We welcome and look forward to new contributors to make our readers feel more wellconnected!

You are free to submit articles for the categorie Mindset, Nutrition, Exercise and Sustainable Living.

What we are looking for…


The contributor’s guidelines:

Tone: We are looking for articles with a positive note for the readers. The aim of this online magazine is to empower our readers with practical, uplifting messages. Our articles are characterized by being thought-provoking, research-based yet experience-inspired and fun reads. Please be aware that we will edit your post if necessary so that it fits with the overall tone of the magazine.

Word count: Our articles usually run between 250 and 800 words.

Health claims: When claiming that a certain food is healthy, please tell us how you know. If you refer to a study or mention a statistic, include links to your source. Ideally you’d link to peer-reviewed scientific papers, academic journals, or credible news outlets. This will allow our readers to be able to follow your line of thinking and to dive in deeper if they are interested in getting to know more about the topic.

No SEO-driven articles: It is important to us to keep only the best for our readers as a priority. We are not interested in SEO-driven posts. Our articles are not meant for product or brand name advertisement. We are only interested in articles that are in line with our philosophy.

Photographs: Make sure that the pictures you choose are licensed. We welcome if contributors submit their own pictures e.g. of home-made food. In case you don’t have any pictures – no worries – we’ll take care of that. You may also just contribute a photo without a writing and we’ll match it to an article.

Leave us a message at sayhi@wellconnected.nu, let us know a bit more about you and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

We are looking forward to hear from you!

Your Wellconnected.nu team

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