Top 5 Happiness Boosters to Feel Happy Right Now

Top 5 Happiness Boosters to Feel Happy Right Now

“What do I really need to be happy and how much?” Yes, I was seriously asking myself this happiness question today and of course, I was hoping for the answer: Tons of chocolate.

We all want it, right? We all want to be happy and to get to know the secret keys to non-stop happiness. In Francois Lelord’s ‘Hector and the search for happiness‘ the travelling psychiatrist discovers happiness keys. Receiving money or the consumption of loads of candies are not among those keys. Actually, British researchers revealed that 2000 bars of chocolate (!) are necessary to generate the same brain stimulation as just seeing somebody smile. Even more: Smiling is also just as stimulating as getting 16,000 pounds in cash.

With the science of positive psychology, mainstream psychology has changed direction. After many years of fixing and classifying complaints, in positive psychology we are building on our strengths and investigating what makes life flourishing and fulfilling.

Positive psychologists meta-analyzed 200 studies with 275,000 people worldwide and found that being happy leads to more success in almost every life domain, including work performance and relationships, health and creativity as well as longevity.

There are more than enough reasons to get happier. But how do you become a happier person? With mobile applications such as Happify and Happier which translate innovations from science into games and challenges a lot of people became happier. A whole movement has started with the great initiative ‘Action for Happiness’ supporting people with practical actions to build a happier and more caring society.


Top 5 Happiness Boosters

Let’s see what we can learn from research to create more happy moments in our daily routines. These are our Top 5 happiness boosters to put on top of your to-do list if you want to experience happiness right now.

1. Being in the here and now

We spend nearly 50 percent of our waking hours thinking about something other than what we are actually doing. Mind-wandering makes us unhappy. According to research from Harvard University we are least happy when we rest, work and use a home computer. However, we are happiest when we exercise, make love and are engaged in a conversation. As a matter of fact, it’s more about how much we are present rather then what we are doing. In other words, our first key to creating happy moments is mindfulness. Let’s bring our full attention to this precious moment!

2. Acts of Kindness

Spreading kindness is more than just a good thing to do towards others. Research confirms that there is a ‘positive feedback loop’ between kindness and happiness. Doing a kind act for somebody such as helping out a friend makes you happier. At the same time, the happier you feel, the more likely you are to do something kind.

3. Gratitude

Be thankful for what you have. Telling a person who inspires us or who is simply there for us that we are thankful for this is a real happiness enhancer. Plus, somebody else is getting happier too. Have a look at how Soulpancake made these people happy by simply telling them to express gratitude.

4. Smile First

Smile and laugh out loud! How many times have you actually smiled today? Most of us go through the day (aka sit in front of a computer) with wrinkled eye brows and grumpy faces without even noticing. The so-called ‘facial feedback’ makes sure that our facial expression tells our brain how we feel. In other words, the more we laugh, the happier we are.

Get yourself a serious hysterical laughter and treat yourself to some stomach-muscle-ache giggles. Watch that movie which makes you cry out of laughter or call that crazy funny friend of yours. Whatever makes you laugh, do it!

In case you found your eyebrows wrinkled and don’t have a spontaneous idea to change that:


3 Reasons You Should Ditch Conventional Deodorant And How To Make Your Own!

3 Reasons You Should Ditch Conventional Deodorant And How To Make Your Own!

There are many benefits to making your own deodorant. Firstly, you save money by not paying for branded product’s marketing campaigns and other costs that are not needed when you make your own product! You simply need the base ingredients and you can add your own personalized touch to it! Secondly, there are many harmful added ingredients in conventional deodorants.

5 Harmful Ingredients in Deodorant

Here are 5 common harmful ingredients used in conventional deodorant – and in many other skin care products:

  1. One of the most used harmful ingredient in deodorant is aluminum. It is used to block the sweat that is escaping the pores. Aluminum has been linked to breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men in several studies.

Concerning breast cancer, the added concern lies in the close proximity of the armpit to the breast tissue. Aluminum is known to be an estrogenic, which means that it acts as the female hormone estrogen. Estrogen promotes breast growth, which can lead to cancerous overgrowth when there is an access.

  1. Another ingredient that some people are familiar with is paraben. It is in most beauty and care products found in stores in the form of methylparaben, propylparaben, butylparaben or benzylparaben. These compounds, similarly to aluminium, are estrogenic as well. They can disrupt hormone balances in our bodies.
  1. A third harmful ingredient in many conventional deodorant and other skin care products is propylene glycol (PG). It is a compound that helps to make skin care products easier absorbed by the skin. It is a cheap way to give a softer consistency to cosmetic products and it is even used in processed foods.

It is questioned by consumer safety advocates if it is safe in small amounts, since in large quantities it damages the liver, heart and nervous system. In deodorant higher concentrates of PG are used than in other skin care products.

  1. Phthalates have been linked to various health issues. They act as hormone disruptors and increase the risk for cell mutations. High phthalate levels in women of child bearing age are linked to an increased risk of birth defects.
  1. The synthetic antibacterial compound Triclosan is registered by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a pesticide and it is classified as a chlorophenol – chemicals suspected of causing cancer in humans. It is also a hormone disruptor, which in the long run can decrease fertility, change genetic material and increase the risk for birth defects.

And thirdly, when we buy products that are ultimately bad for our health we are actually supporting the manufacturing of these products. This way we are contributing to the public health issue of more chemicals in our every day products, environment and our bodies… So by opting out and making your own deodorant – or buying one that is health-conscious and environmentally-friendly, you are making a statement that you care about the health of others and yourself. Who doesn’t love that? 🙂



As we’ve shown you how it is both better for your physical, mental health and financial health, now let us reveal how to make your own deodorant from ingredients that you might already have in your home! With just 3 base ingredients and in 3 simple steps!

TIP! Since it’s easy to make large batches, you can hand it out to your friends. It will be a unique and caring gift!

You will need…

  • An empty container (e.g. a lip balm container)
  • 6 table spoons of coconut oil
  • 4 table spoons of baking soda
  • 4 table spoons of corn starch e.g. maizena
  •  Personal touch: A few drops of your favorite essential oil for fragrance (e.g. rose, lavender, eucalyptus)


Step one:

In a pan let the coconut oil melt on a low temperature. Make sure it does not boil; this step is simply to make the coconut oil liquid so that the other ingredients can be mixed into it.

Step two:

Add the baking soda, corn starch and essential oil into the melted coconut oil and stir until completely blended.

Step three:

Pour the mixture into the containers. And put it in the fridge to let it cool and solidify.

Voila! Your harm-free and health conscious deodorant!
Voila! Your harm-free deodorant!

That’s it! Enjoy your homemade, health-conscious deodorant!